Saturday, 6 January 2018

Current Healthcare System Scenario In India

Public And Private Healthcare System In India

Healthcare system in India is unique and popular in the worldwide. A Lot of medical student from foreign countries are eager to get the opportunity in the healthcare events in India. Because there is a large need of healthcare awareness among Indian residents. So now, there is a need to know how to operate health care systems in India and also to know what are the hindrances taking place on the way to run healthcare events in India.

Current Healthcare Scenarios in India 

India is one of the vast countries in providing health care facilities in all the states. Indian residents usually tend to move towards the private health care providers to get the best health checkups but the fact is also true that many of among them can’t afford the cost of private hospitals. And government hospitals do not have an adequate amount of budget to provide the best technologies to cure the patients. The state government is running various healthcare insurance schemes, but due to lack of awareness, most of the Indian residents are far away from these schemes. Hence there is a need for medical healthcare in a wide range. State Government provides all the facilities to carry these healthcare events in a broad way to communicate with the residents and to aware them of these kind healthcare schemes. In some circumstances , like in critical situations, people had to pay the large amount to the private hospitals for all the medical facilities and some are even died due to lack of money.

Indian Vs US healthcare scenarios 

If we compare healthcare system in India to that of USA, there is a wide difference in both public and private healthcare scenarios in many terms like birth rate, technologies, the budget for the advanced medical treatments to cure the patients on the spot of accident or in the OPT, cleanliness of drinking water, sanitation. Total expenditures on health care in India as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is only 4% but it is 15% in the USA. The major portion of Indian population pay out of their own pocket for the medical expenditures but in the USA very fewer people are there who pay by their own.

Impact Of Government Interference In Healthcare Systems 

Since healthcare system scenario in India is unique, but not got spread equally. Still some of the states like Bihar, Punjab have less access to these facilities. But due to the interference of central government in this field healthcare scenario is totally different from that in the past. In the recent scenario, healthcare is the largest opportunity of employment and also a big source of revenue in India. According to the ministry of health, development of new and advanced technologies is targeted to cure the patient of the fatal deceases. Many foreign companies are also willing to invest capitals in Indian health care system. Hence, the growth in this industry is expected to reach up to $280 billion by 2020.

Effective steps to spread healthcare awareness in India 

Also, there is a need for some effective steps to promote healthcare systems in India— 1) Government is responsible to make a hard and fast law for each resident to take health insurance. And there should be the penalty to avoid these guidelines. 2) These Guidelines should also be compulsory for the company owner to provide health insurance to their employees.


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